It's just poetry, it won't bite


11.30.14 Posted in today's words by

Peter C Venable’s most recent poem to appear here was At 5 AM. Glazed By Peter C Venable Last night God anointed creation with freezing drizzle. Trees and shrubs bowed in homage. Dark houses groaned under thickening ice. Roofs sagged. Eerie, this hush– shadows of icicles silently sawed through whiteness until a limb snapped and […]


11.29.14 Posted in today's words by

Juliana Norwood’s most recent poem to appear here was Birth Day (July 2014). Rush By Juliana Norwood exhilarated by the running shopping cooking tablesetting and the music cleaning planning treetrimming and the visiting drinking toasting thanksgiving there is the day after and the space leftover that cries out for chocolate cuddling marshmallows quilts promises and […]

Dancing to Twilight

11.26.14 Posted in today's words by

Kay Middleton and Mark Gooch collaborated on this poem.  Dancing to Twilight By Kay Middleton and Mark Gooch Sunshine, warmth on my face motoring carefree, radio blaring Suddenly a sound, a sideways impact, numbing …..falling music, …..familiar I know no one I see you walking toward me white flowing gown, skin fair eyes of blue. You hold […]

Heat Wave

11.25.14 Posted in today's words by

Nancy Scott’s poem The Light appeared here in May 2014. Heat Wave By Nancy Scott Rising before dawn to do a walking meditation, I try to repeat green planet with every breath I take. But brown grass crunching underfoot distracts me, and global warming worries keep me from focusing on my chant. My thoughts are […]

Bicycles and a Dog Park

11.24.14 Posted in today's words by

John Kaniecki’s most recent poem to appear here was Blueberries (August 2014). Bicycles and a Dog Park By John Kaniecki Curious canines shuffling paws Prancing dancing to an unseen band Softly sniffing each other As if bees delicately tending flowers Carousing In the most urgent business Of play Fetching, rolling, running Leashes unleashed Finally free […]

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