It's just poetry, it won't bite


06.25.16 Posted in today's words by

Forward By Frank Adams Your death leaves the house empty. I cannot sense you here. I long for your smile, and stories about your day— but only silence replies. I want the world to stop so I can remember you as you were, not as a memory. But it does not work that way. The living […]

In Silence

06.24.16 Posted in today's words by

Glenn Johnson’s most recent poem to appear here was “Binary Contact” (October 2014)  In Silence By Glenn Johnson Shhhhh  Eyes closed, look inside In silence, cares slip away Talk waits cupboards of our minds  Side by side In silence, your warmth’s luster Feel ocean’s tide  Hands held In silence, life’s noise fades Hear setting sun […]

The yellow house

06.23.16 Posted in today's words by

Ilona Martonfi’s most recent poem to appear here was “Louisiana Bayou” (May 2016)  The yellow house By Ilona Martonfi Will you give her back? Clumps of cedar against blue irises pink and purple the yellow house painted with dull, grey colours the years she disappeared you know, I cannot bring her home regular habits, order in […]

Conversation Piece

06.22.16 Posted in today's words by

Sophie Chouinard’s most recent poem to appear here was “What We Drag From A Cava Bottle” (May 2016) Conversation Piece By Sophie Chouinard “what we don’t want to say is what keeps us awake at night” someone scribbled, between teeny stars and a pot smoking skull, on the wall of a bathroom stall— I have […]

The swimmer

06.21.16 Posted in today's words by

The swimmer By Kendra Preston Leonard She is the last one in the pool, in the middle lane, at night. She swims laps back and forth, a current under the moon, in a purple cap with daisies on either side of it, covering a short bob of white hair. The last swimmer before her, a […]

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