It's just poetry, it won't bite

The Shepherd

11.20.16 Posted in today's words by

Andrew Badger’s most recent poem to appear here was “October” (October 2016)  The Shepherd By Andrew Badger Loud sustained tremulous bleats crescendo, when precious lambs and salivating wolf stand eye to eye alerting shepherd and dog. Thus, too, the Good Shepherd guards his flock with utmost care ever mindful of deceitful goats leading the flock on […]


11.19.16 Posted in today's words by

T.S. Hidalgo’s most recent poem to appear here was “Jewish Museum” (October 2016) Oblivion By T.S. Hidalgo Arians, Donatists, Nicolaitans, Severians, Pneumatomachi, Simoniacs, Manichaean, Nazarenes. All of them, and their respective collective legacies, were buried by the foggy passage of time: they disappeared from the archives of History: today are only a footnote on a page. […]

Escape from the Street

11.18.16 Posted in today's words by

Escape from the Street By Cliff Saunders Street of mine, you can find me in the forest when you’re ready for your sweet factory of dirt. I’ll meet you in my sleep. But now I must follow the shepherd of bees into the woods as a new grandson would follow his bliss. You want me, […]

Footsteps in the Ashes

11.17.16 Posted in today's words by

Jaclyn Burr’s most recent poem to appear here was “The Harmonica” (October 2016) Footsteps in the Ashes By Jaclyn Burr I had a vision of you and me building our futures intertwined like blossoming rose trees, bold and brazen against the thorns. Now when I close my eyes, all I see is gray. I’m a […]

Street People VI

11.16.16 Posted in today's words by

Gary Beck’s most recent poem to appear here was “Unprotected Children” (August 2016). Gary has just released a new volume of poetry titled Fault Lines. Click this link to order your copy now.  Street People VI By Gary Beck I sit indoors sheltered from rain watch from my window city procession workers, shoppers, tourists, barely functional […]

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