It's just poetry, it won't bite

All Those Nooks and Crannies

11.25.12 Posted in words to linger on by

KJ Hannah Greenberg’s most recent poem to appear here was Not Entirely Becoming Grandma (October 2012). If you like this poem, you will love her book, A Bank Robber’s Bad Luck With His Ex-Girlfriend, available here.  

All Those Nooks and Crannies
By KJ Hannah Greenberg

Zaftig love, unlike other visages, thrusts adipose tissue sun forward
While many frail-looking smaller folk, remain incredibly unfamiliar
With Africans’, Damascenes’, Greeks’, Romanians’ celebrations;
Parturition needs plenty.

Diane’s tribute, one example, soldiered by ample flesh’s bonhomie,
Proved detente must be made over prosecco, cheese, melon, good cake.
Special cures for war involve taking generously measured partners,
Filling them further.

Consider camellias, roses, even other flush flowers’ verdure,
The lushness of cabbages, hydrangeas, rhododendrons, not laurels,
Whose miserable cups, among all skinny, flora contenders
Separate challengers.

Willow twigs, too, bring sour healing as does the work of weeds;
Dandelion, burdock root, sometimes leaves of veronica, or linden.
Such bitters act by sacrificing joy, from insisting acidic operations
Eclipse ease.

You and I, though, know differently; we savor calories, suppleness,
Consider corpulence a connoisseur’s duty, see heft as best permeating.
Midlife status makes mention of complete goodness, not strictures.
Longevity wants fuel.

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