It's just poetry, it won't bite


05.17.16 Posted in today's words by

Nate Spears’ most recent poem to appear here was Realistically Speaking (December 2012).

By Nate Spears

The door busts in with a “Boom”
Smoke and flashing lights fill my sight
Absent-minded in thought, loss and seizure took all
in illegal search.
I cast my ballot in fear of my last breath
Motherless; far from the son of a bastard
Judge, we shall not.

On the flip side of the letter; I folded
Only for doing right
Infants get scolded daily
Only for doing life.
Only be willing to score
Only be willing to learn,
If it’s based on one another
Everyone can live and learn
Everybody can make a dollar
Somebody has to change
In the heat of the man of the moment,
Everybody says “Amen.”


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