It's just poetry, it won't bite


04.30.14 Posted in today's words by

Rafael Ayala Páez was born in Zaraza, Guárico, Venezuela in 1988. He studied at the Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez (UNESR). His collection included Bocados de silencia (2012) and The lightness of matter (2012). His work was featured in The Blue Hour Anthology–A collection of poetry, prose and art (Blue Hour Press 2013). He was invited to appear as a poet at the XI Encuentro Internacional Poesia UC (Venezuela). His poems have been translated into English, German, French, and Hebrew. 

By Rafael Ayala Páez

I sensed the omens
I broke the words
I raised the wings:
………………..the pain descended
…………………….through the walls.

*Translated by Emanuel Xavier.


3 Responses to “April”

  1. Tristan Cody says:


    I pull some sort of release from this poem. It is ominous but very apparent and powerful. A well worth while read.

    I admire your use of indentation on the last two lines. Adds a lot to the piece.

    Best regards,

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