It's just poetry, it won't bite

Blanket Down

06.22.10 Posted in today's words by

R Martin Basden is able to capture a moment and bring it to us whole, a wonderful skill for a poet! He is an Albright Poet from Virginia and the most recent poem of his that you have read here was Broken, Haiku of Injured Relationships. When you read this you will feel like you’re on a beach. And you’ll be disappointed to discover you’re at work instead.  

Blanket Down
By R Martin Basden

Beach sleeping
Totally warm
Licking breeze
Tickling sand
Gull calls
Roaring waves
Almost dreams
Muffled voices
Gritting thumps
Tanning scent
Cold droplets
Breath taking
Raucous laughter
Blinding light
Clearing head
Smiling friends
Game declined
Drift again
Beach sleeping

2 Responses to “Blanket Down”

  1. Jean says:

    As lovely and somnolent a picture of summer as bees buzzing in roses while powdered ladies in wide-brimmed hats sip lemonade on the verandah! Love it, B!

    B, too.

  2. Kay says:

    Beach sleeping. I will keep this to read on a cold winter day and warm myself in its brilliance. You that title working perfectly. Kudos.

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