It's just poetry, it won't bite

Buon Pasqua

06.29.14 Posted in today's words by

Sharon Poch’s most recent poem to appear here was Dark Ages (February 2013).

Buon Pasqua
By Sharon Poch

The Mass is ended
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord

Sighing with risen relief,
communicants trace
the Holy Trinity on head and chest
Resurrection over, the faithful
file out, freed in lily-scented air
like Turin’s shroud unwound.

In Nonna’s house
pungent vapor trails
of garlic, rosemary, Romano
drift from kitchen to dining room,
swirl in Tarantella fervor over
salivating Abruzzi tongues

On W-E-S-T Radio,
“the best little station in the nation,”
Mario Lanza’s voice
releases dim memory into veins
blue with Mediterranean blood.

Salut! Juice glasses of wine
red as the Christ blood
clink like Paschal bells
Mangia! We feast on sacrificial lamb
and slabs of rustic bread,
our secular communion
a celebration of the flesh.

Parodi cigar smoke crawls
through somnolent air
lingers in circles
over anisette-laced coffee
while outside in
the garden
teenage cousins lounge like
boneless lizards absorbing
vernal sun into their pale skin.

Sated to a deep drowse,
I slip into the hammock
strung under
a birthing cherry tree
and Dream

……… The rock rolls away.
……….Pastel petals drift
……….on Easter green breezes,
……….settle on white linen.
……….Pavarotti wipes wine drops
……….from his lips and sings
……….Ave Maria to the gathering Marys.
……….Christ Will Come Again

5 Responses to “Buon Pasqua”

  1. Jeanette Gallagher says:

    I love every carefully chosen word, every stanza, and the dream of this magnificent poem! I felt as if I were there, sharing every moment of this wonderful experience and after the last line I felt a sense of peace. Just beautiful, Sharon! Thank you.

  2. Jeanette Gallagher says:

    I just wrote a comment about Sharon’s poem and after I posted it there was a pop-up saying, “It looks as if you’ve already said that!” I may have submitted the comment twice. So I’ll try again.

    I love this magnificent poem. I love the reverence that touches the heart and each line is well chosen right up to the end that leave me feeling a sense of peace. A beautiful poem, Sharon. Thank you.

  3. Where do I begin? You have out done yourself once again. I’m not sure if I liked one verse better than another. But!!!! The magic of Nonna’s house with Mario Lanza’s voice and pungent vapor trails
    of garlic, rosemary, Romano drift from kitchen to dining room, setting the scene. BRAVA, BRAVA.

  4. Sharon Poch says:

    Jeanette, the old folks have long since passed away, but the memories are still so fresh. A bite of crescia, a sip of red wine, and I go back in time. I’m glad you like Buon Pasqua, it has special meaning for me.

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