It's just poetry, it won't bite


01.25.11 Posted in today's words by

Erik Knutsen is a Canadian living in California. He just puts CA for state/country and lets people guess where he lives. His work has appeared in journals including unFold, Sillymess, Abjective, and others. Visit his blog to learn more about him. 

By Erik Knutsen

Should I begin with recrimination or justification?
It was grandiose,
all that we did.
Remarkable marks we made,
and now, in confessional,
I cannot choose which foot to place forward.
Do I wish all following to come after my right or my left?
Yet, is not ever delay just building a future following indecision?
Is that the future I want, built on my own timidity?
It’s unbearable that there is
this great blank unknown of things to come
that is shaped in ways we know not
by every choice minute or great.
It is the greater choices that are easier,
for their impact is more predictable,< /div>

though less profound.

2 Responses to “Choices”

  1. Kay Middleton says:

    I like how this came full in my brain at the lead the poet but not the fully on the page.

  2. This gives us food for thought.

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