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Contributor Series 6: A Currency of Words, Ode to Nice

09.17.10 Posted in Contributor Series 6, today's words by

Contributor Series 6: A Currency of Words
Ode to Nice
By Christine Tapson

I’m proud of you.

Charged, sentenced, executed
Only you.

Every breath you take is bound to be sweet
Crisp, clean, and happy.

We can move away from pain and fear
Towards pleasure and love.
The destination might seem the same.

Underrated, discriminated against, banned.
Exiled from our vocabularies and our prose
While encompassing such vast potential.

Fat, self-important words like pintadera and petasus
Samskara and thrombolysis
Hog the stage.

I like you. You’re fine. I’ll embrace you.

Christine Tapson’s poetry has appeared at vox poetica’s prompts page.

One Response to “Contributor Series 6: A Currency of Words, Ode to Nice”

  1. Bobbie Troy says:

    Nice about nice.

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