It's just poetry, it won't bite

Contributor Series 9: If Men Had Ears, Play Me a Sad Song

06.26.11 Posted in Contributor Series 9, today's words by

Contributor Series 9: If Men Had Ears
Play Me a Sad Song
By Pasquale Varallo

Mister Band Leader,
play me a sad song,
make it an eye bleeder.

You can’t save my soul;
make it a blues song please,
no rock and roll.

Hold the silver moon,
omit all the mush,
ditto June and spoon.

And if you must know,
I’m lower than low, caught in an undertow,
play it sad and slow.

Then I’ll say so long.
Take your time, Leader,
play me a sad song

I’m going nowhere
’cause my baby’s
long gone, outta here.

Then I’ll say so long.
Take your time, Leader,
play me a sad song
’cause my baby’s
long gone, outta here.

Pasquale Varallo has poetry forthcoming at vox poetica in late 2011.

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