It's just poetry, it won't bite


11.16.17 Posted in today's words by

Simon Fleischer’s most recent poem to appear here was “A Game of Catch” (July 2017)

By Simon Fleischer

The image of a camera
snaking down my daughter’s throat—
winking around her digestive curves—
hungry flower blooming around corners—

I remember how she looked
turned on her side,
mouthpiece stretching her face
into a startled, monstrous O.

In this artificial light she looks terrified.
I don’t protest, I stroke her hair.
Her socks are too colorful.
Her gown shows too much flesh.

There has to be a point
when you say: not this,
lines you won’t cross because
you can’t turn your children into art.

Meanwhile, milk-white tie-dye
dreams its way down-tube into her veins.
Heavy eyes like dragging chains blink twice,
fall like sudden rain, and then she’s gone.

3 Responses to “Endoscopy”

  1. E. V. "Beth" Wyler says:

    That is a very well-written, powerful poem. (Hope the procedure went well and your daughter is fine.) Best wishes!

  2. Hiram Larew says:

    A powerful piece. Thanks.

  3. Sandy Patton says:

    Dear Simon, you capture fear and feelings of total helplessness in every line of this wonderfully written piece. Beautifully done.

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