It's just poetry, it won't bite

Essence of Blackbird

03.08.20 Posted in today's words by

Lee Woodman’s most recent poem to appear here was “Toward Big Sur” (February 2020).

Essence of Blackbird
By Lee Woodman

In the dreadful hour,
the Bird,
shiny black,
Should I call
you Dark Omen,
who caws
damning messages?

Angel of sunrise
you have come
to lift my heavy rings
and soothe my
sunken eye.
Why now, Old Bird?

Fluttering above my bed,
you brush my broken
wing, urge
me to hop.

You bring flocks
of calling birds,
who sing liquid
into my throat.
No longer restrained
by bedclothes,
I’m ushered by
to high roost.

From this perch
of silver air currents,
streams of white light
beckon radiant dawn,
shivering quills.

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