It's just poetry, it won't bite

Even the Dark Night Sings the Shiva Song

07.25.13 Posted in today's words by

Sy Roth’s most recent poem to appear here was Teasing Them Answerless(April 2013).

Even the Dark Night Sings the Shiva Song
By Sy Roth

Even the dark night sings the shiva song.
Rain patters a soft refrain against the roof.
The windows weep in long mascara-running drips.

Inside they gather round the cakes,
fill their mouths to bursting with macadamia nuts
and Russell Stover chocolates.
Black strip of cloth,
neon sign attached to her bodice,
she whispers about the room
vodka, Xanax, and memories anesthetized.

The guests laugh and nod knowingly
staving off their own demise.
Her Bette Davis eyes follow their movements
until the last door slams shut
and they shuffle out into the rainy evening.

Waxen image of life remains behind.
Light resides instead in the cliff-hanging photos,
Her red hair, wind-blown above canyon rims,
Where darkness replaces the light
and sorrow stretches taut as a drum head over her reality.

One Response to “Even the Dark Night Sings the Shiva Song”

  1. bobbietroy says:

    Some great imagery here. Good job, Sy. I love: Rain patters a soft refrain against the roof.
    The windows weep in long mascara-running drips
    and the last 2 lines.
    I am familiar with sitting shiva.

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