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My father as a little boy

07.18.15 Posted in today's words by

Laura Zucca-Scott’s most recent poem to appear here was Just a Walk–July 1943 (June 2015).

My father as a Little Boy
By Laura Zucca-Scott

When my father was a little boy
He took a train to escape the war
The train was late and stopped many times
Every time the fear of bombs grasped his heart
Mom and Dad were there
And the train always started again
They talked and smiled
So many tomorrows to be stolen
At night he fell asleep
Holding a piece of bread in his hands
Too tired to eat
Still not afraid to dream

2 Responses to “My father as a little boy”

  1. Paul says:

    Wow! So touching and so amazing. I really like how you capture your father’s memories in your poems.

  2. Thank God, he was able to continue.

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