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First-Ever vox Poetry Contest 8th Runner-up: New Year’s Kiss

01.10.11 Posted in Contest 1, today's words by

Thank you to our guest judges Lisa Marie Basile (Caper Journal), Bryan Borland (Assaracus), Jessie Carty (Referential Magazine), and Brad Nelson (Eclectic Flash) for their tireless work in reading and ranking the 116 entries in the contest. They are the best and you should check out their publications! Much appreciation and admiration to all the writers who entered and congratulations to the winners who faced fierce competition.

First-Ever vox poetica Poetry Contest! Today’s Words 8th Runner-up:
New Year’s Kiss
By Kenneth Karrer

Just before we kissed
I felt the
Fragrance of your face.

A fireworked field of radiance held
Us there
At something less than
Distance … 

That fundamental magic
That makes a tear drop
Hold its shape,
Kept us there suspended
On the very edge of momentary

I wonder what a photograph of that
Would show?
Such fine moments do not merely

They are fantastic, cosmic, ticks
That glow,
Like memories of

The moment before a kiss becomes a kiss.

Kenneth Karrer’s most recent poem to appear at vox poetica was You Were Something Else, published as part of Contributor Series 7: The Confessional Diary of Bone.

4 Responses to “First-Ever vox Poetry Contest 8th Runner-up: New Year’s Kiss”

  1. bobbie troy says:

    Lovely poem.

  2. Sarah says:

    Wow! I love “At something less than / Distance …” You capture this so well.

  3. bobbie troy says:


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