It's just poetry, it won't bite

Forthwit’ and Child (Knowing Is Not Always Best)

04.24.11 Posted in today's words by

Nick Hawkins is from Brighton England. He and his wife Anita have 3 children and 2 grandchildren. He’s been writing poetry for several years and he feels that his poetry is born rather than created. His work has appeared at the prompts page and has been included in the prompts page anthologies Inspirations: images & words

Forthwit’ and Child (Knowing Is Not Always Best)
By Nick Hawkins

Forthwit’ and child I see fair sadness in clouds,
Future tears and washing seas crash pebble groynes that survive beauty’s past, I cry,
I condone my guilt with distant refrain, traveling behind the curtains of ignorance … 
 … for perhaps what’s best.

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