It's just poetry, it won't bite

Idle Chatter

03.27.10 Posted in today's words by

BR Belletryst writes some chewy poems, doesn’t he? The Philosophy of Math and A Cactus Grows in the Desert (part of Contributor Series 4) give us rich language to savor and ponder. This poem gives us some insight into the process behind the provision of BR’s poetry. Stop by his blog for more food for thought.

Idle Chatter
By BR Belletryst

Poetry knows no bounds they say;
no bounds, that is, except
that inebriation
by which the quill,
the paper, the typist’s
very being
is knocked
off center.
This merely uninhibits
the poet’s inert poem,
and unlocks doors
to different bounds.
Tell me again, about the
ties that bind.
Tell me again, about the
shy and kind.

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