It's just poetry, it won't bite

Jonathan Goes to Search for It at Sunset

04.11.13 Posted in today's words by

Stephen Page is the author of The Timbre of Sand and Still Dandelions. He holds a BA from Columbia University and an MFA from Bennington College. He is the recipient of The Jess Cloud Memorial Prize for Poetry. He loves to travel, teach, ranch, and spend time with his family. Visit his blog. And his blog.

Jonathan Goes to Search for It at Sunset

By Stephen Page

He crosses the lawn and passes the barn
As cows walk in front of the sun.

He carries a backpack with mate, a snack,
Binoculars, a flashlight, a notebook, a pen;

As his tired feet pass the horse lot
The hot air will not fill his lungs.

The meat and cheese his wife prepared
Leads two collies and hairy horse flies.

Once again he is left standing
Some hundreds of meters from the wood

As he finds his pants are much too thin
To cross the lots with the thistle,

The thing he searches for must certainly be there,
In puddles swimming with tadpoles and larvae,

In crepuscular knitting together the trees,
In lightning bug flashes and cricket chirps.

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