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Lifelong Dream

11.23.16 Posted in today's words by

Murray Dunlap’s most recent poem to appear here was “The Searing” (September 2016) 

Lifelong Dream
By Murray Dunlap

We make dreams
We keep the best of them
Now and then, we attain our goal

I dreamt of becoming a writer
I am one
I dreamt of bringing people joy
I have
I dreamt of finding my soulmate
We married on a mountain

These lifelong dreams have been found
And yet, I want more
I dream to help people
And more people
I dream to make a difference

My lifelong dream is to trade my thoughts on life for an internal peace
To use my experiences, however raw, and breath hope into lost souls
I hope to internalize redemption
Earn solace
Then finally sleep
And dream

One Response to “Lifelong Dream”

  1. A life of pleasant dreams that come true. A wish of many.

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