It's just poetry, it won't bite


08.12.16 Posted in today's words by

Susie Sweetland Garay’s most recent poem to appear here was “The Trees” (August 2014) 

By Susie Sweetland Garay

I watch two electric blue dragonflies
frolic near a bush full of magenta berries
next to where I sit on the damp grass
one stops for a while
and before he leaves
I study the patterns in his
iridescent wings.

Don’t run from distraction he tells me,
embrace the surprising unknowns.

For me
it comes in bits and pieces
and required a lot of rearranging.

I walk outside to ask
the land what she would like to tell me,
what I need to know,
on a misty morning when water
seems to float in the air

and as I walk my eye immediately goes to
a gloriously enormous slug in shades
of ochre and grey with a
mountain range
of ridges on
his back.

He travels slowly
but his movement is steady
and I have no doubt that he will get where
he is going.

The sun is warm on my back.
I hear bees buzzing nearby and

I don’t know if the land is listening
but I say thank you just in case.

3 Responses to “Listening”

  1. Murray Dunlap says:


  2. Devon says:

    Lovely. I wish more of us said “thank you” to the land and its creatures and took better care of them.

  3. We all need to say thank you. Thanks for this reminder.

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