It's just poetry, it won't bite

Forward We March

01.21.18 Posted in today's words by

Murray Dunlap’s most recent poem to appear here was “Another Birthday” (December 2017)

Forward We March
By Murray Dunlap

Entrenched in brain cells
We of the traumatic kind
Our lives, nearly over
Refocus in spare language
Lost in translation
But forward we march
Endemic energies of another dimension
Most see no purpose
But march on, we do
All is not lost
In God’s hands
Accomplishing what we can
When the trauma is past
And hope returns
Forward we march

2 Responses to “Forward We March”

  1. Kathryn says:

    Thank you for expressing how I feel! On we must go…

  2. Bobbie Troy says:

    Yes, we do. I can relate to this. Good job.

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