It's just poetry, it won't bite

The Political Lady

11.22.14 Posted in today's words by

Jeanette Gallagher’s most recent poem to appear here was Season of Rebirth (October 2014).

The Political Lady
(The Reception)
By Jeanette Gallagher

The provocative young woman
Enters the ballroom on the arm
Of a white-haired man
To attend a formal reception

Exquisite in elegant pink ruffled gown
She carries an elaborate fan
Her upswept brown hair is adorned
With pink ostrich feathers

Her beauty turns men’s heads
They wink and whisper
About this odd couple
While women ignore her presence

Her poignant gaze turns away
From the sophisticated crowd
Aware of her attraction
She wonders at feelings of emptiness

Then has a moment of clarity
How many more receptions
How many elegant soirees
To fill the nameless void?

2 Responses to “The Political Lady”

  1. I could see them. The business man and his trophy date; not knowing her uneasiness. Thanks again for entertaining us.

  2. Sharon Poch says:

    Pink feathered times have changed in technology and attire, but the “nameless void” remains. Beautifully rendered . . .

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