It's just poetry, it won't bite

( )

08.15.09 Posted in today's words by

Special treat today from a vox poetica regular, Ray Sharp. Ray has great range; visit his site
and see for yourself. This poem, different from the others, is an
elegant, sensual word picture. The metaphor is perfection. When you
read the words, you see the image and feel the tension in the story. So
few words, such a great story!

(   )
By Ray Sharp

You and I are parentheses.

There is a space between us
(unvoiced, ironic, bounded
by thin moons of restraint),
two bodies symmetrically opposed
enclosing whispered knowings.

What comes next must be said.


7 Responses to “( )”

  1. Jean says:

    warm, sensual, delicious

  2. Kay says:

    I liked this because it is universal to relationships and speaks to the pivotal moments.

  3. Rae says:

    A brilliant metaphor, then that lovely line “thin moons of restraint”. I’ll never see parentheses again without thinking of this poem.

  4. Ray Sharp says:

    Thank you, Rae. I am named for my father’s grandmother Rae. I wrote this in 1995 but it’s holding up well. What is the relationship, what has been left unsaid, what must come next?

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