It's just poetry, it won't bite

Self-Fulfilling Prophesy

06.25.14 Posted in today's words by

Sarita Joy Jordan is a two-time breast cancer survivor living with stage IV disease, surviving and thriving.

Self-Fulfilling Prophesy
By Sarita Joy Jordan

First college graduate in my family.
Not good enough.
Single mother to four children,
two boys, two girls.
But you’re not married.
Purchased my own home.
How did you do that?
Bought a car.
Can you afford the payments?
Beat cancer twice.
But you look good.
Retired from my job.
What income will you have?
Traveled to Egypt.
Who does that? It’s dangerous.
I have done everything for everyone else.
You can’t … 
You ain’t … 
You won’t … 
Guess what?
I have broken the generational curse.
I wrote my own story.


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