It's just poetry, it won't bite

sword of words

04.22.11 Posted in today's words by

At age 6, Bob McNeil was profoundly affected by A Child’s Garden of Verses. Now he is poetry editor at BLACFAX and the author of Secular Sacraments and The Nubian Gallery, A Poetry Anthology. Bob lists Whitman, the Imagists, and the Negritude Movement as being his primary influences. He has been featured as a reader at many events throughout the New York tri-state area and he has released a CD, Rapping You With the Facts. To learn more about him, visit his myspace page.

sword of words
By Bob McNeil

we create
we shape
we mold
a cosmos of star-lustered concepts with words
God-hallowed words
sage-made words
Adam-ancient words
sermon-mounting words
we write
we inspect
we dissect
exposing our love-housing hearts
exposing our world-impaired spirits
we infuse each page with words
passion-inclined words
birth-painful words
war-morbid words
rainbow-garnished words
the serum, language
flows from our veins
words are forces
possessing an artery
to assault or soothe
we’re poets
throughout our souls
throughout our limbs
we feel our poems

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