It's just poetry, it won't bite

What the Women Wrote, 3

04.25.13 Posted in words to linger on by

This is the fourth in an ongoing series of poems by women living with cancer. The most recent poem of the series to appear here was What the Women Wrote, 2 (March 2013).

What the Women Wrote, 3
By the Women Who Know

What I overheard is not
the way it really is.
They talk, they mock,
they banter, they blame
just because she’s not
the same. But I say
praise the day, praise the way!

I cannot absorb all
that God has put in my heart
but tomorrow it may be clear.
The love he gave me made me
who I am now.
He must be the center
of our universe, for
He has given us life.
He is the living water,
the light in this dark world.

I’m discovering new ideas:
every day is a gift,
enjoy the small things
like whispers from children,
live each day to the fullest.
Today we planted seeds.
It may be that in the morning
we awaken to shout
Good morning world!

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