It's just poetry, it won't bite

Whispers of Wilderness

12.29.13 Posted in today's words by

KJ Hannah Greenberg’s most recent poem to appear here was It’s Easier to Sneak Boys In (October 2013). Her new collection of poetry, Citrus-Inspired Ceramics was recently released by Aldrich Press and is available at Amazon.

Whispers of Wilderness
By KJ Hannah Greenberg

Public libraries, moon-faced lovers,
Large portions of the general public,
Especially folks with pocket money,
Reserved seats at tonight’s cosmic vista.

They grasped that silo-preserved grain,
Revealed pictures of bait dogs,
Also, small measures of wild carrots
Support unguarded disdain of road safety.

As such, composition texts and staid rhetoric,
Bring compassion capable of conveying
Simurgh wings, bakery-hewn mignardises,
Icy liminal young morphing fast as raindrops.

Romantic and business relationships,
Shelf fungi pounded into soup powder,
Repairmen secured against winter wind,
Seemingly help absurdities reside forthwith.

Whenever clean-diapered little children,
Participate in expensive, exhausting drills,
In exercises meant to waste public resources,
Precious fingers tug away the next miracle.

Maybe, babies, stallions’ divots, too,
Plus cameras, computers, tanpuras,
The sort of entertainment that’s costly,
Whisper wilderness near hillside harbors.


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