It's just poetry, it won't bite


11.06.11 Posted in today's words by

Ashley Strain has been writing poetry since the third grade when a teacher suggested she enter a poem into the Rainbow Express. The poem was accepted and published. Since then she has had several poems published in literary magazines at her alma mater, Rutgers University. Ashley was born and raised in New Jersey, where she still resides, and she hopes to publish a book of poetry in the future.

By Ashley Strain

A warm, subtle wind blew in from the west
Stirring the leaves upon the ground,
Stirring the heart in my breast.

And for a moment I felt again what it meant to be alive
My veins were red with pumping blood,
My very soul, revived.

But just as soon as the wind came, it again fled
And left me feeling empty inside,
Left me feeling dead.

One Response to “Wind”

  1. Keep hope in your heart; there are many bright seasons ahead.

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