It's just poetry, it won't bite

On Wisdom

10.08.13 Posted in today's words by

Laura Zucca-Scott always shares a poem and leaves us with a thought.

On Wisdom
By Laura Zucca-Scott

They say age brings wisdom
I don’t know
A child forgives
A child loves
A child can hurt
But seeks to heal

If we were wise
We would stay little
And live for the moment
Laughter in our hearts
A game in our minds
And antsy feet

Wisdom is overrated


3 Responses to “On Wisdom”

  1. And antsy feet…. I agree with you.

  2. Jeanette Gallagher says:

    Ms. Zucca-Scott’s wonderful poem certainly states her point! She does so in a light-hearted, educated, and interesting way. And in such a believable way that most everyone – young or old – will agree. I am in the “wisdom” years of my life and I whole-heartedly believe and understand her delightful poem!

  3. Bobbie Troy says:

    Love it!

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