It's just poetry, it won't bite

Wise Gardener

04.26.12 Posted in words to linger on by

KK Singh’s most recent poem to appear here was Uncertain gift (February 2012).

Wise Gardener
By KK Singh

Forsake this overgrowth
Negative memories and thoughts
Greedy weeds
Relentless insatiable creatures
Strangle what you attempt to cultivate

Once rich soil sapped
Of all nourishment

The wise gardener will
Reach without hesitation
With unsparing fingers
Dig out these interlopers
One wisp can give rise to a crop of misery

Rake out the bitter remains
They hold no value

Afterwards, immersed
In cool clear water
Be cleansed
Rinse away the debris
Shake off droplets and

Let the Sun’s glow warm
Your very core

Now, go,
Admire your garden plot
Freshly turned
Full of potential
Forgive what threatened to overtake it

Just appreciate 
That good things will grow

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