It's just poetry, it won't bite

Wishing For Hindsight

11.28.16 Posted in today's words by

Julie Ellinger Hunt’s most recent poem to appear here was Soon. (October 2016)

Wishing For Hindsight
By Julie Ellinger Hunt

I have to use my mind as I walk down the proverbial
street. Gritty sidewalks beneath me. Sounds of cities melded,
passers-by blurry faces, their skin more like ash than skin.

Buildings creep and sway, their concrete foundation irrelevant as they
loom like creatures above me. Below, I am nothing but something below.
Inside myself, I plead that I can walk backwards and that this would

accomplish something. No, not just something. Something profound that could heal each misstep. Turn pulsating wounds and growing pains I planted with my selfish seeds into more flowers you can photograph.

Behind me, the city is perfect.
And you are there, iridescent hair cascading down your magnificent
shoulders. You are perfect, as you always were.

Behind me
everything is better
untouched by me.

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