The first round of award nominations is a wrap! The vox poetica nominations for Best of the Net (Sundress Publications) are:
KC Bosch, Stealing Days, an idyllic description of a perfect day
Robert CJ Graves, Me, the Monster, a humorous nod to Ms. Shelley, her classic, and our craft
Jean Hendrickson, Cradle of Civilization, a heartbreaking tribute to a lost child
Julie Ellinger Hunt and Stan Galloway, Gazers, a star-aligned, power-packed collaboration
Loria Taylor, A Divination, road signs and tea leaves, just everything about it rocks!
Nicole Yurcaba, Observations of a Backwoods Feminist, Annie Get Your Gun à la Glo Steinem!
Please join me in extending congratulations to these writers.
Next up, Best of the Web (Dzanc) and Pushcart … before the end of the year!