It's just poetry, it won't bite

Contributor Series 3: Resolution and Resolve, My Uncertain Life

01.07.10 Posted in Contributor Series 3, today's words by

Contributor Series 3: Resolution and Resolve My Uncertain Life By James G Piatt Through the broken windows Of my uncertain life Summers once glowed warmly Then faded into the shadows Of brisk rainy autumns And barren icy winters In this unearthly place Where ravaging ogres tear Apart my pleasant thoughts Pounding my happy moments Into […]

Contributor Series 3: Resolution and Resolve, Unheard

01.06.10 Posted in Contributor Series 3, today's words by

Contributor Series 3: Resolution and Resolve Unheard By Chris G Vaillancourt I want the conversations we’ll never have. The urged words drip off my tongue in foreign colours, and fall to the ground, unnoticed, unheard. Ignored are the whispers from my stained lips. The words are heard but remain unacknowledged. Around me are a lot […]

Contributor Series 3: Resolution and Resolve, My Boyfriend Coughs up Platitudes

01.05.10 Posted in Contributor Series 3, today's words by

Contributor Series 3: Resolution and ResolveMy Boyfriend Coughs up PlatitudesBy KJ Hannah Greenberg My boyfriend coughs up platitudes.His frenetically managed public statements,Insinuate much about moderation’s sensibilities,As pertain to middle-aged matrons.“Run,” urge my friends, “return to service.” Elsewhere, the need for social change,Sweetens days grown dusky with“Read-to-me” stories meant for grownups.Brief chapters were ne’er the province […]

Contributor Series 3: Resolution and Resolve, I dropped it again

01.04.10 Posted in Contributor Series 3, today's words by

Contributor Series 3: Resolution and Resolve I dropped it again By Rae Spencer And of course, it broke The clap and wrack of it Familiar as any ruin Strafed across the floor As when our parents divorced In that first long arc of loss When it whined through the air Like crystal stroked to cry […]

Contributor Series 3: Resolution and Resolve, Lost Dream

01.03.10 Posted in Contributor Series 3, today's words by

Contributor Series 3: Resolution and Resolve Lost Dream By Joan McNerney I am driving up a hill without a name on an unnumbered highway. This road transforms into a snake winding around coiled on hairpin turns. At bottom of the incline lies a dark village strangely hushed with secrets. How black it is. How difficult […]

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