It's just poetry, it won't bite

Lips that whispered don’t talk anymore

02.03.11 Posted in today's words by

Anup Bishnoi is a struggling writer and recent graduate from IIT Kharagpur. His interests are scattered around dramatics, literature, and visual arts. He is part of Roobaroo, a theater group based in Delhi. Visit his blog.

Lips that whispered don’t talk anymore
By Anup Bishnoi

a heart that used to sigh
beats not in a beat anymore

two eyes that would shut in silence
together don’t blink in sync anymore

three members that adorned a list
may not freeze in threes anymore

four legs that used to walk
don’t do the course in fours anymore

five senses that filled to the brim
don’t get a fraction of the action anymore

six tens that make up a minute
aren’t the ticks that ticked anymore

seven days that went by in sets
now walk away loose without cues anymore

eight bits that contained every letter
don’t even sigh or reply anymore

nine lives that a cat once had
are nine too many for the lover

ten days that made a forever
are over.

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