It's just poetry, it won't bite

My Words

12.02.12 Posted in today's words by

Laura Zucca-Scott’s most recent poem to appear here was On a Southbound Train (October 2012).

My words
By Laura Zucca-Scott

They took my words away
And I stood there
Dumbfounded, defeated
A convenient presence
In a too loud world

I turned around seeking
The sunlight
A doubtful kryptonite antidote
I could always count on
They laughed

Didn’t you hear the news?
Imagination died
In a plane crash
They were flying too high
No one could breathe
Not even the pilot

I stubbornly shook my head
It cannot be
I was promised
This is falling short
A bitter disillusion

But nobody was listening
Or maybe I just could not find the words

Then a blade of grass peaked out of my socks
Bringing an ancestral scent
Of youth and innocence
And while I inhaled deeply
I started talking
I spoke my words

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