It's just poetry, it won't bite

Mystification Demystified

11.06.12 Posted in today's words by

Ali Znaidi lives in Redeyef, Tunisia. He graduated with a BA in Anglo-American studies in 2002. He teaches English at Tunisian public secondary schools. He writes poetry and has an interest in literature, language, and literary translations. His work has appeared atThe Bamboo Forest, The Camel Saloon, phantom kangaroo, BoySlut,, Otoliths, Dead Snakes, Speech Therapy, streetcake, The Rusty Nail, Yes, Poetry, The South Townsville Micro Poetry Journal, Shot Glass Journal, Ink, Sweat, and Tears, Mad Swirland other fine places. Ali also writes flash fiction for the Six Sentence Social Network, where you can see his profile.

Mystification Demystified
By Ali Znaidi

Here come the black clouds
one after another
like a cavalcade of
black limousines
to adumbrate
that flock of white pigeons
that were jubilantly cooing
and fluttering their flashy wings–
an ornament for a sad sky.
I didn’t think that mystification
can reach towards the sky
I always innocently thought
that the sky was the cradle of
but these days the sky
accommodates more and more
black clouds
for want of more mystification
& the pigeons have nothing to do
but mourn clarity.
Clarity, clarity, clarity!
Soon you’ll be borne away by a flashy
feather waltzing in a sad sky,
&, after all, candle makers are still

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