It's just poetry, it won't bite

Say Tzara

04.09.18 Posted in today's words by

Steven Minchin’s most recent poem to appear here was “Incompatibility & Antibiotics Above the Equator” (June 2015).  Say Tzara By Steven Minchin Go ahead take a fake name make yourself be brilliant over what parents adhered then die and leave institutions to introduce your work with explanations circling around identity so that we know your […]

Incompatibility & Antibiotics Above the Equator

06.18.15 Posted in today's words by

Steven Minchin’s most recent poem to appear here was Someone Screamed Country [a special report] (May 2015). Incompatibility & Antibiotics Above the Equator By Steven Minchin You were the first boy I knew to die of chlamydia and run away to Brazil You were right when you left And I was left wondering if you’d […]

Someone Screamed Country [a special report]

05.28.15 Posted in today's words by

Steven Minchin’s most recent poem to appear here was … Ready, Embrace (April 2015). Someone Screamed Country …………………….[a special report] Elian, Elian, smile there are storm troopers at your door and sidelines full of patriots puffing their chests beside them and next to them transfixed indignants are accepting the airwaves all of them joining in […]

… Ready, Embrace

04.24.15 Posted in today's words by

Steven Minchin has studied at The Museum of Modern Art. He has published more than 65 poems in Mad Swirl, Right Hand Pointing, Crack the Spin, Short, Fast and Deadly, and numerous other publications. You can follow him on Facebook. Steven’s most recent poem to appear here was Deaf People Say Huh (September 2014).  … […]

Deaf People Say Huh

09.19.14 Posted in today's words by

Steven Minchin’s most recent poem to appear here was [Tell Wrong I Like It] (August 2014). Deaf People Say Huh By Steven Minchin I like you the most on Sundays the week falls behind Phoenix, between the buildings on the second floor smoking we turn the chairs round to watch the graffiti as you and […]

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