It's just poetry, it won't bite

Place to Stand Firm

03.19.12 Posted in today's words by

Carolyn Gabb lives and writes in Virginia. She does a lot of cool things, so to see more, visit her website.

Place to Stand Firm
By Carolyn Gabb

The land around my feet
often is cavernous,
heated with the lava of
confused chemistry.

Often empty as a spatial black hole
where I fear total disappearance and invisibility.
Or fighting the danger of quicksand.

Often like some gelatinous substance
that gives no support and clings to my
soul as field burrs to clothes walking outdoors.

I’m not looking for therapy to soothe
nor seeking solutions that will fix an unfixable thing.
What I do want is a place to stand firm.

With music in one’s ears or in one’s hands.
With pencil or computer to inscribe language.
With paintbrush or sculptor’s tools to birth an image.
With heart to be a friend, a caretaker, a partner.

These are windows and doors through which
we can locate places of our own.
Places that are not defined by specificity
such as artist, homemaker, doctor, cleric.

Challenges of the mental mode bring
the need to find the balance to survive, and to thrive.
Being an artist is not my therapy, or my fix, or my answer.
But it is where I find my place to stand firm.

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