It's just poetry, it won't bite

Stunted, Thwarted

07.11.13 Posted in today's words by

Holly Day’s most recent poem to appear here was Missing Keystrokes (June 2013).
Stunted, Thwarted
By Holly Day
The tulips I grow in pots
never do as well as the ones
spreading rampant in my backyard
bulbs swollen big as fists
sprays of flowers bursting like fireworks
from a single hidden point. Every time I tryto recreate the flamboyant show of color from out there
in here, I end up with
shrunken, mold-speckled bulbs bearing
withered, yellow-green stalks
twisted striped buds that
open sickly as sea anemones
in polluted tidepools
on some frigid coast.

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