It's just poetry, it won't bite

Bird on a Fence

06.18.20 Posted in today's words by

Simon Fleischer’s most recent poem to appear here was “During a Pandemic” (April 2020). Bird on a Fence By Simon Fleischer Today my wife suggested that the red breasted bird sitting perched on our fence, because it arrived each morning when she prepared to daven*, was my father risen from the dead, returned to offer […]

Iguazu Falls Down

06.17.20 Posted in today's words by

Amy Wei Tan has written news articles for Reuters and worked as a news producer for CNBC Asia TV and has been a meditator for nearly twenty years. She has worked across Asia, lived in the United States and the United Arab Emirates, and now resides in Singapore as a public health practitioner. She earned a […]

Outside the Frame

06.16.20 Posted in today's words by

Born and raised in North Dakota, Madelyn Camrud is a graduate of the University of North Dakota with degrees in visual arts and English. She’s had three full collections published: This House Is Filled With Cracks and Oddly Beautiful, New Rivers Press; and Songs of Horses and Lovers, NDSU Regional Studies Press, 2013. Her poems […]


06.15.20 Posted in today's words by

Charlene James-Duguid’s most recent poem to appear here was “The Collector” (May 2020).  Loneliness By Charlene James-Duguid Sits heavy around us Taking oxygen we need Without caring it must be ours. Gliding in on tulle-draped gowns, Prussian Blue in hue, It transmutes, Multiplies its powers to the nth degree, Smothering us quickly As we reach […]

What he’d seen with his ears

06.14.20 Posted in today's words by

Lalita Noronha has a doctorate in Microbiology/Biochemistry and is also a poet and writer. She is the author of a short story collection, Where Monsoons Cry (BlackWords Press) which won the Maryland Literary Arts Award and two poetry books, Her Skin Phyllo-thin (Finishing Line Press.) and Mustard Seed: A Collage of Science and Art Poetry […]

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