It's just poetry, it won't bite

When Grace Called

09.03.17 Posted in today's words by

Suchitra Balaji lives and writes in Austin, Texas.

When Grace Called
By Suchitra Balaji

Vagrant vestiges of worry lingered on
When the phone rang.
The trip was confirmed.
So much can happen in one phone call
Where stress and sadness were the mainstay for some years,
They had been reduced to a nagging itch in one exchange.
When Providence makes all the arrangements
There isn’t an effort in Change.

Standing on the threshold is edgy
It can mix you up with a kaleidoscope of emotions
One moment you could dread “one misstep, and I take a hard fall.”
In another you could muse, “Lead Kindly Light, and I shall follow you to every Precipice.”

A Glorious inner Knowing prompts each of us to embrace
The Blessing sent our way.
We are content to be Led.
I was tuned into that well-spring so keenly—‘twas a bit eerie!
Amidst the pandemonium of packing and moving,
I felt a soothing epiphany.
We were heading toward Luck,
It was time to reignite the Happiness truck.
Not because we were bound for the Land of “Happily Ever After”
Where everything is always alright
And there is no room for a slight.
The ebbs and surges are familiar moments in the symphony of Life
But there is a new performance every time
Beckoning each of us to listen eagerly with hope
Even if some notes jar, taunt and tug at the heart strings.
There is a melody that tethers us to follow along
I was on my way to learn one such song.

An offer to leave behind an ambience of misappropriation, conceit, complacence, and condescension
Fair chance and fruits of labor were suddenly and at once available,
Elevating living and striving to noble triumphs of the Human Will!

My Faith in Dreams and Divinity were affirmed
When the Heavens ship a Gift your way,
Welcome it with open arms and heart
For both will overflow with a Love so profound and sublime,
That we can surf the tides of Hope all over again.

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