It's just poetry, it won't bite

A Winter Poem

08.18.10 Posted in today's words by

You remember Imperfections & Impermanence, BR Belletryst’s poem for us in June. Well, today he sends us away from the heat and humidity into a dry cold snowscape. And why shouldn’t he? Does anything feel more delicious than the opposing season? For those of you who are enduring winter now, this poem is meant to remind you of the beauty of that season, for all its weathery faults. This is a love poem, of course, but I think it’s really dedicated to winter, not to a valentine.

A Winter Poem
By BR Belletryst

Come walk with me in winter, dear,
Come walk with me in snow.
If you do, I’ll show you,
how to dis- and re-appear.

Come waltz with me in mists,
Come waltz with me on ice,
If you do, I’ll tell you 
how cloistered secrets do subsist.

Come hike with me in forests,
where snow tread paths intrigue,
If you do, we’ll discover true,
how man and himself contest.

Where raven caw and flutters
are masked behind soft flakes,
where beauty and catharsis,
for you, merely awaits.

I’m here, it echoes, calmly,
I’m here, I’m here, Right here.
Where? our eyes call around us,
twinkling, alone, sincere.

We look, but trees encircle,
and tangle us, none too tight
and make us fear what we forgot;
that blizzards and hail and cold and night,

may come and shake and freeze and scare,
but wandering thirty years
can’t drag on, I can’t despair.
Because it doesn’t compare.

Because in thrall of winter,
when twisted, and bitter,
when skin, and heart do sting …
time doesn’t. Doesn’t mean a thing.

One Response to “A Winter Poem”

  1. This poem is filled with love and sincerity. A wish to share a life with someone. Lovely.

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