It's just poetry, it won't bite


05.30.11 Posted in words to linger on by

Dee Thompson’s most recent poem here was Seasoning. Dee’s humor permeates her most poignant poems.

By Dee Thompson

I want wall-to-wall carpeting again.
I hate these unyielding wooden floors.
I neet to sink my bare toes into luxurious pile.
I need to stretch out my limbs atop a floor
soft as the strokes of a cat’s fur.
Hard wood means dust in the corners,
concern for the expensive rug.
Hard wood mean no–
no softness when I fall.
It’s a fashion, the hard, unyielding wood pyre.
It’s what we’re supposed to desire.
I don’t like granite countertops either,
or walls the flat color of dirt or sand.
I want wallpaper and carpeting,
floral printed sofas,
rounded curves of a recliner.
Gleaming silver service,
A gently chiming clock
I need blue and green and mauve,
I need the hard wood to disappear.
It’s too much like a coffin.

2 Responses to “Anachronism”

  1. Hmmmmmmmm a rant in a poem. I love it.
    I agree with you on the floors.

  2. Jean says:

    Rather than the rant my friend, Jeanette, found in your poem, I saw a lovely longing, full of color and use of humor; the use of senses. It’s wonderful–the differnt ways a poem speaks to us! Thank you for this one!

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