It's just poetry, it won't bite


10.22.11 Posted in today's words by

Jane Audrey’s most recent poem to appear here was The Journey (October 2010).

By Jane Audrey

I’ve tried anger and resentment on for size,
made an honest attempt at “don’t give a damn,”
but my throat still burns in pain
my cheeks flushed with tears
each time my thoughts wander to you.

You don’t want me. You’ve made that clear.
But your words of dismissal
came so quickly after acclamations of true love.
My heart is stuck believing;
my mind is faced with your silent, unresponsive truth.

I sit in agony, waiting, hoping, praying for the numbness to set in.
I need to feel nothing, anything, instead of this pain.
But the waiting goes unanswered.
The tears continue to fall.
The torture of true love vacated bleeds through my veins.

I am broken. 

One Response to “Broken”

  1. bobbie troy says:

    Very moving.

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