It's just poetry, it won't bite

on cold, brilliant mornings

09.22.16 Posted in today's words by

on cold, brilliant mornings
By Holly Holt

on cold, brilliant mornings,
when the world is waking,
your words blanket me,
born with a soul of Sundays
too wise beyond my years;

something of autumn
rests in your eyes—
as if you’ve seen forever
by teetering on the edge
where many fear falling;

you are old and beautiful,
a remnant of afternoons
spent on front porches,
dallying into a yawning dusk,
exhaling astral diamonds;

and for this, for everything,
our hounds run free together
on cold, brilliant mornings
when the world is waking—
yes, everything will be fine.

One Response to “on cold, brilliant mornings”

  1. This reminds me of life as a child. Beautiful.

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