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Contributor Series 4: Aspects of the Elephant, For My Growing Twin Sons

02.10.10 Posted in Contributor Series 4, today's words by

Contributor Series 4: Aspects of the Elephant
For My Growing Twin Sons
By John Lee Clark

What surprised me the most
when I first touched
my premature twin sons
was how close my palms
could get to their hearts
thrumming against tender cages.

Their skin too sensitive to stroke,
I just held them close,
chest against heaving chest,
almost heart to heart,
and I breathed close to tears,
hoping they would not die.

I hoped not against hope,
knowing that if they lived
their bodies would grow
more secretive of their hearts,
followed by other secrets
making them only themselves.

No, I hoped for hope,
that they may live and grow,
even if it is a growing distance
from me, but so they know
and hold close other hearts
hoping they would not die.

John Lee Clark’s poem Winter Baseball appeared at vox poetica in 2010.

6 Responses to “Contributor Series 4: Aspects of the Elephant, For My Growing Twin Sons”

  1. Jean says:

    Tender, full of love and hope, beautifully expressed. Thank you.

  2. Jessie Carty says:

    terrific. touching without being too sentimental 🙂

  3. Just a wonderful, loving, beautiful poem.

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  5. Sara Fryd says:

    It takes something this special to make me weep and weep I did. Fantastic poem.

  6. Clarissa McFairy says:

    This poem is so precious, I feel it should be placed in a locket and kept for perpetuity

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