It's just poetry, it won't bite

Contributor Series 6: A Currency of Words, A Harmonic Gallop

10.07.10 Posted in Contributor Series 6, today's words by

Contributor Series 6: A Currency of Words
A Harmonic Gallop
By Julie Ellinger Hunt

a waterfall of selective adjectives
ignites and unfolds
precludes to another world at another time
like a harmonic gallop.

The story ignites a dust storm
picking up pronouns and pretense, then
freefalls into a tidal
Floating with fragmented sentences
and title phrases.

a poetic chaos.

Lip-reading while listening
like a lexis harbor.
is everywhere)
the marina lulls the buoyant boats,
as the terminology gets caught up
in the seaweed.

Terms sink fast unlike
the syllable sea horses
the next word can ride upon.

Julie Ellinger Hunt’s poetry will appear at vox poetica in January 2011.

3 Responses to “Contributor Series 6: A Currency of Words, A Harmonic Gallop”

  1. Sarah says:

    I love this!

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