It's just poetry, it won't bite

Contributor Series 6: A Currency of Words, Lightning Poetry

09.22.10 Posted in Contributor Series 6, today's words by

Contributor Series 6: A Currency of Words
Lightning Poetry
By Maxwell Baumbach

in my dream
lightning struck
outside the mouths
of ordinary beings
turning the words they spoke 
into poetry

it would be
we could do that
in reality
on our own

Maxwell Baumbach’s poem Youth at its Finest (September 2010) is his most recent poem to appear at vox poetica.

3 Responses to “Contributor Series 6: A Currency of Words, Lightning Poetry”

  1. This is powerful in so many ways.

  2. bobbie troy says:

    You just did it!

  3. Stan Galloway says:

    This is the impulse all poets feel. To borrow from Mark Twain, we want to capture the lightning instead of the lightning bug. That said, lightning bugs can make for pretty poems as well. We live with a lot more lightning bugs than lightning.

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