It's just poetry, it won't bite

Contributor Series 6: A Currency of Words, Poison Pen

09.15.10 Posted in Contributor Series 6, today's words by

Contributor Series 6: A Currency of Words
Poison Pen
By Jean McLeod

Words lie on my paper
like dead fish:
blackened bones
meaningless motes.
Smelling of iodine
and rot,
they straggle, strive
ring with slander
through my fingers
onto a sullied page
roiling like
seas before a slattern

Unruly heathens,
they slash
and leave me bleeding.

Women cover their ears,
press tight 
against buildings.

Men shutter
their eyes,
cover their genitals,
cross the street
so my words
will not splash

Jean McLeod’s most recent poem to appear at vox poetica was Ode to Spring Sestina (May 2010).

5 Responses to “Contributor Series 6: A Currency of Words, Poison Pen”

  1. Jeanette Gallagher says:

    I love your wonderful poem and am sure no one would want to get away from your words! I marvel at your words and your genius and always look forward to reading every word you write. Fantistic! Jeanette G.

  2. Jean says:

    Jeannette, thank you so much for your kind words! It seems we have a mutual admiration society!

  3. bobbie troy says:

    Wow, this is powerful.

  4. omar says:

    love the ode to your words.

  5. Jean says:

    Thank you sooooo much, Omar!

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